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Getting a slow rhythm is more than just slowing down your swing

Marc SolomonBy Marc Solomon,

Q and A with, Director of The Hampton Golf School in Jacksonville, Fla.


I have been playing golf for five years, and I feel that I am at a crossroads. For the first three years I feel I steadily improved. Though, the past two years I have hit a plateau; my scores have not improved at all. I have been told that I need to work on slowing down my rhythm. I practice twice and play once or twice on the weekends. With all this time and effort devoted to golf, I feel I should be playing better. How can I improve my rhythm so I can take my game to the next level?

Michael M.
Grand Rapids, Mich.


Rhythm is often talked about, but greatly misunderstood. Most golfers I observe trying to slow their rhythm are actually slowing down their swing speed. There is a difference between the speed you are swinging and the rhythm you are swinging. Rhythm should be thought of as a way of making all the body parts work together for a repeatable swing. The rhythm of your swing is not just how fast you are swinging.

Many golfers have told me that they want to swing with a slow rhythm like Ernie Els. Yes, Els' swing is very fluid and appears that he is swinging slow, but he is not swinging slow. The speed of his driver is moving in excess of 115 mph. This is not a slow swing.

It might appear that his club is moving slow because his swing is efficient and repeatable, but every part of his body is working in harmony to hit the ball as far as he can. It is in essence a very rhythmic golf swing. When the body and arms are working together in harmony it gives the impression that his swing is effortless, but with the club actually moving extremely fast and powerfully through the golf ball. You can't hit a driver 290 yards or a 9-iron 155 yards, with a slow swing speed.

When I see golfers practicing "slowing down my rhythm," I say they are actually throwing off their rhythm and timing. When most golfers try to slow down rhythm, they are slowing down their hands and arms. This contributes to bad habits, like getting your weight stuck on your right foot (right-handers) or turning your shoulders to soon on the forward swing. Thus you will be coming "over the top" (swinging outside the ball) and casting the club (releasing the club too early). This contributes to a loss of club speed, power, solid contact and accuracy.

Bob Toski, who is one of the greatest communicators and teachers of the golf swing, once said, "Feel the force, don't force the feel." What Toski means is, just swing the club, your natural rhythm will come out. Don't try to force your mind and body to swing at a slower speed.

So, I wouldn't say to slow down your rhythm. I would say find a consistent, repeatable rhythm that will hold up under a little pressure. Swinging the club fast is a talent; don't try to hold back your talent of swinging with speed. Trying to swing faster is why Tiger Woods, Annika Sorenstam, David Duval, Justin Leonard and everybody else on the PGA Tour and the LPGA Tour is working out to get stronger. They want to swing the club as fast as they can.

I have a drill to help you with your golf game. To improve your rhythm, "hum." When you go to practice, every time you swing the club, hum (huummmmm). This will help you with finding your rhythm. Try to have a consistent hum through the entire swing.

At first, you might catch yourself humming really loudly as you swing or you might even stop your humming as you hit through the ball. If your "hum" is becoming really loud as you hit the ball (almost like a Monica Seles "grunt"), this means you might be trying to hit the ball too hard. If your hum is stopping as you hit the ball, this might be a clue that tension is creeping into your swing a little too much at impact. Or another way of saying it is - "You are hitting at the ball, instead of through the ball."

But, the worst "hum" of all, would be if your "hum" drops off just before impact. This is showing that you are decelerating your swing as you get closer to impact. What kinds of shots could this golfer expect to see on the golf course? Probably the kind that don't travel very far because the swing speed is slowing down through impact. They are most likely hitting the turf behind the ball, and without a doubt, they are leaving the clubface open and slicing the ball pretty badly.

I know it might sound goofy and you might be embarrassed to try hummimg when other people are around, but it works. If it doesn't work the first time don't give it up. With the "hum" drill you are using two of your three learning skills at one time. You are using your auditory (hearing) skills and you are using you kinesthetic (feeling) skills. Those two skills working in conjunction will help you get to the next level.

Everybody who wants to get better should work with an instructor/coach. There isn't a professional player who doesn't work with someone else. If these golfers, who are the best in the world, need help, every golfer needs help. Good luck and keep in touch.

PGA Professional Marc Solomon is the director of Golf Made Simple (www.Golfmadesimple.com). He has been named as a "Top 10 Instructor under 40 in America" and is regarded as the "Top Instructor in North Florida."

Reader Comments / Reviews Leave a comment

    JOE STERNE wrote on: May 25, 2013



  • Humming works

    Luke Throttle wrote on: Feb 28, 2012

    It took me a while to find out what was wrong with my golf swing. It was rhythm. I usually started with a slow backswing and rushed my downswing so that I could "accelerate through impact". The results were disastrous. On one occasion I hit 20 ball OOB because I had no control whatsoever. I almost gave up golf because I was so frustrated!
    That's when I read about tension in the golf swing and how it can ruin your rhythm. The advice was to blow a fine colmn of air while swinging the club. It's the same as humming, only less embarrassing. My game changed completely. I know have a smooth rhythmic swing I can consistently repeat. I stopped trying to hit the ball harder and swing the club instead. I now hit 150 yards with my 9 iron, 270 with the driver and my slice is gone!
    Humming or blowing works if your issue is rhythm. It will let you know if there is tension in your swing. From there you will have to work to find your own pace. Good luck and enjoy the game!


      • RE: Humming works

        paddie1077 wrote on: Apr 5, 2013

        I am doing the very same thing as you I am just about ready to give the game up I am going to give the humming a go today see if it makes me play a little better. how long before you saw the change for the better??.


  • Humming is the answer

    Simon Koumparos wrote on: Aug 26, 2009

    Hmmmmmm! I'm not convinced!


      • RE: Humming is the answer

        ben wrote on: May 20, 2011

        If your serious about improving your golf game then you won't mind dropping a couple bucks for the right training right?


  • how do i keep from over hitting

    jay wrote on: May 12, 2005

    100,80,50 yrds are really tough for me to hit. Im always hitting to far,but when i try to weaken my swing well you already know slice or no distance. can you help me?


      • RE: how do i keep from over hitting

        Brian wrote on: Jul 24, 2010

        Well in regards to hitting a less than full shot, the best way I know how is to shorten the backswing. You can also use different lofts. For instance, if I hit my PW 130 yards, I have a gap wedge that I can hit 115 yards. My sand wedge is my 100 club, and the LW is my 85. With these clubs, I can take a full swing to get the required distances. For anything less than that, I can take my projected total distance (e.g., my SW at 100) and take a half swing. This would give me the required 50 yards. If this sounds confusing, I would buy the book "Dave Pelz's short-game bible." Hope this helps.


          • RE: RE: how do i keep from over hitting

            hunter wrote on: Nov 6, 2014

            i find if i keep elbows straight until the right elbow has to bend, then at the same time make your shoulder turn , let the hips turn with them it's hard to over swing. then the first move down is lower the flex in left knee , the swing will just happen.


              • RE: RE: RE: how do i keep from over hitting

                peter wrote on: Jan 27, 2015

                Hi all,
                I just started with golf 7 month ago and had three lessons in the beginning of this period. First I hit the ball with my arms and shoulders with very controlled straightforward. My distance was not spectacular so i went on searching the Internet. See it as a catapul in the middle ages. In short, First hips (as they are the motor of your swing) then your shoulders and afterwards your arms and club delivers the package. It still takes some time to get a100% straight ball (maybe my movement of weight during the swing.. I will get a lesson of a pro soon), but my fiver went from 135 meters to 190 meters.
                I'm semi-senior (51), who's feeling in his thirties. Hope it helps


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