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Brad Worthington on how to get out of a 50-yard bunker

This video golf lesson features Brad Worthington explaining the benefits of using a 6-iron on long bunker shots.

When confronted with this type of shot, most golfers tend to use a pitching wedge to try to pick the ball off the sand, which has many possibilities for hitting the ball either too thin or too fat. The shot is played much like a greenside bunker shot with an open clubface and the right heel on the ground, aiming two inches behind the ball.

The 6-iron will be more beneficial for this shot than a putting wedge, Worthington says. It will allow you too come down forcefully at the ball and get it out of the bunker.

50-Yard Bunker Shots

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Brad Worthington shows how to use a 6 or 7-iron out of a bunker from 50 yards away.

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  • bunker

    kristine Demarco wrote on: May 3, 2012

    Hi Brad,
    I will definitely try that six iron next time in the bunker.
    look like a good thing.


  • shank of iron shot

    mominur rahman wrote on: Dec 10, 2011

    Dear sir, I a golfer playing golf 3-4 days in aweek. My handicap is 20. when i use 5,6,7,8 most of the shots severely slics i.e it shanks and i cannot control it. Can you give me suggestion to improve my game. Regards. Momin


      • RE: shank of iron shot

        Brad wrote on: Dec 14, 2011

        The first thing I would do is get your clubs checked for lie angle. Clubs that are too upright force the player to hit the ball close or on the hosel. If you find a pro that fits clubs and yours are forged, he/she can fit you and bend them right there.
        If your clubs are cast about all they can be bent is 2 degrees flatter.
        Take this description to a reputable club fitter and they can rule this out as a cause for your frustration
        If the lie angle is correct then I get my students to place another range ball perpendicular to the target and a little more than space for a ball in between. Hit the ball closest to you without hitting the outside ball. Be careful. Usually what happens is you will hit the other ball 5 or 6 times and then seldom again. Take the other ball away and imagine there when you practice and play.
        Good Luck!


  • 50-Yard Bunker Shots

    Denny wrote on: Mar 22, 2011

    Do not face this shot often but worth some practice time to see if I can make it happen. In the video, it sounded as if you hit the ball. I'm assuming you did not.


      • RE: 50-Yard Bunker Shots

        Brad wrote on: Dec 14, 2011

        Sorry not to get back sooner. Since hitting this shot requires you to hit extremely close to the ball I can see where it sounded like I made contact. Also. They had a mike extremely close to me when they filmed.
        Either way when practicing this shot aim no more than 2 inches behind the ball. With a couple hours practice a year you should get the confidence to hit this shot closer than a half or three quarter wedge.
        Good luck!
