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For a correct full follow-through, allow the head to turn and watch the ball after you make contact.
For a correct full follow-through, allow the head to turn and watch the ball after you make contact. (Chris Baldwin/WorldGolf.com)

Tip: For a proper follow-through, allow the head to watch the ball after contact

Les MillerBy Les Miller,

A good golf swing always ends with a full finish to the follow-through position. The key to a correct full follow-through is allowing the head to turn and watch the ball after you make contact.

If you've been told to keep your head down as you hit the ball, you're a victim of bad advice, since keeping your head down will cause you to restrict your follow-through. Keeping the head down after you hit a golf shot will stop your arms and upper body from moving through the impact zone, never allowing your weight transfer to your front foot. The result is a flatfooted, no-weight-transfer golf swing, usually ending with sliced shots and loss of distance.

If you allow your head to turn through the shot there will be a natural transfer of weight toward the target, the hands will release the club head and your weight will move with the club to the follow-through position.

Best of all you because your weight is moving with the club you will hit longer and straighter golf shots.

Swinging to a full and relaxed finish position will synchronize the hands and arms with the body which will help square the clubface at impact. This will be easy to do if you allow your head to follow the ball off the clubface.

Les Miller was a longtime Golf Writers of America member who covered golf instruction for several newspapers and golf publications. His many years of experience as a golf professional, director of product development and tour relations for several major golf companies gave him a unique background and ability to help golfers increase their enjoyment of the game.

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